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Who is an Org-Admin?

The Org Admin has the below stated roles on the TransUnion-INDIA Developer Portal:

  1. Authorized representative of the engaging organization for interactions with TransUnion-INDIA
  2. Controller of the user-group that is allowed access to this workspace on the portal
  3. First respondent in case of any misuse or malicious activities carried out in the assigned workspace for the organization.
  4. Point-of-contact for any discussion or clarification with TransUnion-INDIA regarding the portal
Can I get direct access to the API Marketplace?

You will have to raise a request to your KAM and he/she will then coordinate to get you access to the API Marketplace where in you will be able to see all the available APIs, the Swagger and relevant documentation, error codes etc

How will I get the access to the API Marketplace?

You will receive an invite on your official email ID which you had provided to your KAM. You will receive the invite from this email - TU [email protected]. This link will be valid for 24 hours. You will be guided to create login credentials after which you can login to the portal

What happens if I forgot my password?

You can click on the forgot password link in the sign in page. You will receive steps to create a new password and you can login to the portal. If you forget your username, you can reach out to your KAM and he/she will help to send a fresh invite to the portal.

Whom do I contact after getting access to the portal?

Once you gain access to the Portal, you can click on the APIs option which are available in the home page to view all the available APIs. Once you choose the API you are interested to integrate with, you can connect with your KAM who will coordinate to have a technical walkthrough arranged to provide a better understanding of the API's request response structure and address any technical queries.

Where do I find the API Specification?

Once you open the documentation section, you will find the 'Specs' section where you can find the Swagger documentation for the API. You can test out the API using the Sandbox environment which has the hardcoded sythentic data. This is just to give an idea about the request response structure and the data here cannot be modified.

Can I do dummy test run to get familiar with the APIs?

Yes, you can do the testing in the 'Specs' section with the 'Try it Out' feature. This will help get you familiar with the request and response structure. As mentioned above, this is hardcoded synthetic data which cannot be used for testing externally.

Can I use the API Key provided in Specs section to do UAT?

No, that API Key has been hardcoded to provide the specific response. To do UAT Testing, please reach out to your KAM to get the UAT API key.

How do I establish connectivitiy with Transunion CIBIL to do UAT and Production Integration?

You can reach out to your KAM to get the one time connectivity established both in UAT and Production. They will assist you in getting the IPs whitelisted and generating the SSL Certificate at your end. This activity needs to be done for both UAT and Production.

Whom do I reach out for product specific queries?

You can check the FAQ Section in each of the API's documentation tabs to see the corresponding FAQs and see if your query is addressed. If not, you can reach out to your KAM who will coordinate in getting the queries addressed by the concerned team.

What other information can I find in the documentation tab of the APIs?

You can find the API endpoint URLs - UAT and Production, the request, response structure, the Swagger documentation under Specs where you can see the mandatory and non mandatory fields, the state codes, the different enquiry purpose codes and different codes you will need to use in the request structure under the Field Dictionary tab, the error codes you might possibly get initially while testing and the product specific FAQs. All this information is available for every API. Apart from this, if you have any specific queries, you can address them to the KAM.

Can I add more users to the API Marketplace?

As an Organisation Admin user, you will have the facility to send invites to users within your organisation so that they can login and view the Transunion CIBIL API Marketplace, the available APIs and its documentation.

Can I generate the API Key by myself?

No. You will have to reach out to the KAM to get the UAT and Production API key.