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CIBIL Credit & Farm Report

CUT OUT RISK.SEED IN CONFIDENCE. Access Credit & Farm information of the borrower to assess their Credit Risk and Farm performance to make suitable lending decisions for Agriculture lending


Key Features of CIBIL Credit & Farm Report

TransUnion CIBIL (with its leading credit data analytics) and its partner SatSure technologies (with its expertise in providing farm data) bring you a new edge in priority lending.

CIBIL Credit & Farm Report Overview

Unlock the potential in the farming sector through a truly trustworthy solution that enables faster credit access to over a million farmers and many other agriculture allied businesses.

The CIBIL Credit and Farm Report (CCFR) will help market participants address critical agricultural lending challenges by consolidating farm information, including crop and land details received through remote sensing technology across agricultural geographies in India, in addition to credit information. The report enables credit risk assessment of farmers by providing crop-production risk and co-relating it with their credit profiles — after taking into consideration the credit performance and historical crop performance across six crop seasons (Kharif and Rabi).

CCFR contains information that combines an individual’s credit history as well farm details. It provides a holistic overview to assess the individual’s agricultural financing needs.


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