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Mortgage Check

Identify and mitigate the risk arising from multi- financing of property collateral for secured loans with our comprehensive mortgage screening checks and assess the creditworthiness of new applicants. 

Men hand holding key with house shaped keychain. Modern light lobby interior. Mortgage concept. Real estate, moving home or renting property.

Key Features of Mortgage Check

Conduct real-time checks on property addresses received on mortgage loan applications against a rich and extensive database of Mortgage loans and properties to identify potential risks of multi-financing of said properties.

Mortgage Check Overview

The Mortgage Check is India’s first centralized electronic database of mortgage information. Developed in consultation with the National Housing Bank (NHB) and other industry institutions, it uses sophisticated match logic customized for the Indian market that allows banks and financial institutions to share and access mortgage information easily, consistently and in an cost-effective fashion.

TransUnion CIBIL’s Mortgage Check helps lenders identify multi-financing of properties for secured loans. 

To identify potential multi-financing risk against a submitted property, enquiries are made on the property address received in mortgage loan application against comprehensive database of mortgage loans and properties where it provides accurate results by performing Exact as well as Approximate matches.


Benefits to lenders:

• Identify the right customer mix based on Mortgage Check scores to ensure right offers are made to the right customers.

• Accurate risk prediction and smarter lending decisions based on appropriate mortgage terms, thereby growing your portfolio safely.

Are you ready to get started ?

To understand the steps for gaining access to the portal documentation, adding your user groups and familiarizing yourself with our range of services, click on the button below.